Stupidity rampant
Most people who read and hear about Rep. Weiner immediately ask, "How could he do something SO STUPID like that?" I've asked myself that question a million times about my torturers and trial riggers. How could anyone be SO STUPID as to concoct a plan to rig a federal trial the way my captors did? In Rep. Weiner's case the victim of his stupidity is himself and he doesn't have enough power to hide it from the public. In my case, the victim is an innocent nobody and the perpetrators have the power to keep their stupidity hidden from the public. And to this day I cannot comprehend anyone being that insane. Which by the way was their plan for their "defense". No one would believe the victim - no one could be that insane.
It is like a drunk driver running a red light. If he slams into another car, innocent victims pay the price for the drunk drivers stupidity and usually for some reason the drunk driver always seems to walk away from the accident with no injury. Occasionally, the drunk driver runs off the road, hits a tree and injures him or herself. This latter scenario is the analogy to the Weiner case; the former scenario is my case.
Back to my story: For about a month I did little but sleep and take walks. I seemed to be getting better, but I really had no way to tell for sure. My parents talked very little to me and I would generally respond to any suggestions they made with anger. Deep down I was very angery at my parents for not helping before I had gotten to such a pathetic state and I truly resented what I considered their token help now. And it seemed that as I slowly regained my faculties, my anger increased.
Finally, in early March, I took the offensive again. I typed a form letter which briefly described my ordeal and sent it to almost all of the u. s. senators and approximately fifty representatives. I also began corresponding with so called radical political groups such as the Posse Commitatus. This was the beginning of what I consider my political education and my total alienation from the amerikan political/economic system. I also began writing my account of events which had transpired so there would be some written record of how badly I had been tortured under the guise of "mental illness". And I still had the hope of exposing the sadistic crimes of the capitalist system and the amerikan government.